Monday, January 21, 2013


The Church of Happy Thoughts
the one truly unorganized church

So, today I went out to buy roses in order to vacuum,  so that I could vacuum in order to write,  so that I could write in order to remember who I am. 

Roses on the table are so beautiful, that I often, almost every time, want the rest of the room to match.  The roses make an otherwise acceptably cluttered table or dusty corners almost unbearable.

Sometimes I don't know that the clutter and dust is really making it almost impossible to write anything.. a list of the things I'm not going to do today, (I've found that's a little more productive for me than writing a to-do is easier to check off more things)..let alone  write a Sophia Story or a blog, or a book on  real estate and the meaning of life.

But, really, it's about energy.  I love to write.  I also love to walk around New York city... hhhmmm, there I go again.. do I LOVE to write?  yes, probably.  Do I LOVE to walk around new york city..or do I LIKE to walk around New York City.  I LIKE it because I LOVE that moment when I remember I want to be traveling in this moment, right now, the only one there is, and I do love it when I notice the first thing I LIKE around me.

Last week I was walking down 1st avenue, between east 11th and east 10th, and the moment I started to breathe in 1,2,3 and out, 4,5,6,7...  ALL OF A SUDDEN I HEARD dozens of BIRDS singing/chirping in this leafless tree RIGHT next to me.  Literally, all of a sudden.

But I had to really look to find them.
It was early in the morning, not that bright out yet,  and this is how they all looked.

There was a time when I resisted the old cliche that "Cleanliness was next to Godliness"..somehow it both elevated cleanliness too high, and brought godliness down a couple notches.  Also, it struck a chord of how to be a good wife.. and maybe I was nervous I would fall short..
But, truthfully, I have to say now that there is a certain and distinct energy I get when I vacuum, and put a bunch of south american roses smack dab in the middle of a clean uncluttered table.  It actually makes me pretty happy.  High, happy energy must be somewhat close to Godliness.  And, happily, I am never nervous about falling short, ever.  It is impossible.
About now is when I remember who I am.
A lover of beauty, an infinite being able to spend this moment in the infinite worlds.  And find peace.
Especially when I need it the most.
And, I wasn't a half bad wife either.
(one can also find peace here, on a scaffolding,  12th street between 2nd and 3rd)
This evening my daughter called me and said to go out and look at the Empire State Building.
Every night it is a differnent color.  Bright colored lights shining up the sides and levels of the building.. on July 4th it's red, white and blue, on Gay Pride Parade Day it is rainbow.  Amazing.  It's, true, I do love new york city.  So, tonight, out I went, and found the first place I know I can see it. It's far in the distance, and I can only see the top third, but it is the most magnificent bright violet pink you can imagine. It might be a good idea to go ahead and imagine it, just for the happiness of it.  I've been told it is the God color.. 
This is just a hint how magnificent a color it is..
And, it just about matched my roses.
There it is.
What a gift.
So. if you need some high energy, and making a list doesn't do it for you, or even breathing and suddenly hearing birds, or seeing a window box full of ivy, or a sky full of snow flakes, and you need energy and you need it now.. You might consider getting down on your knees
                                                        and cleaning your baseboards.
After you buy youself a couple roses, it only takes a couple to make the room such a place of beauty..
to happiness next to godliness,







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